Admit it, if getting to work in this scorching heat is a war battle, the daily combat of picking clothes from your wardrobe to take you from Sahara (the lunatic temperatures of the commute) to Siberia (Your ultra cool airconditioned work place) is another brutal story. So how can you look polished as the mercury rises? And given the Indian man’s unerring habit of getting it wrong, what should you avoid at all costs? We break it down for you.
Loosen up
The notion of tailoring can be tricky at times considering the tropical climes. Keeping in mind this season’s silhouettes that dominated the runways, we learnt that it’s that a sense of ease can be applied to even the most structured of wardrobe pieces, the suit (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/style/10-best-affordable-summer-suitsmen/). You could go for soft-t trousers, with a crisp jacket where the padding has been taken out, making them lightweight and breezy. Baggy trousers with slouching jackets could be your summer attire.
Best Feet Forward
Flip-fops don’t make the cut here, what we are hinting at is keeping your feet fresh. No one wants to see your bare toes in the Wednesday meeting. Heavy leather brogues or moccasins should not be your best friends at work either. If the formal attire is called for, there are smarter options to glide with. The evening espadrilles brought to light by Dolce & Gabanna became the talk of the town seconds after they were unveiled. And other designers followed suit soon. Sandals with suiting should be on your whatto-wear list.
Keep it Light
Yes, the rst thing that pops in your head when we say summer fabric will be linen. It is obviously the most fresh and breezy option but is less appropriate for a board meeting considering the crumpled aftermaths. But you could look at suits that mix up fabrics—linen with cotton or even silk. Go for lightweight ease with some suave.
Let’s Polo
There is a piece of clothing that gives you smartness with summer ease and that is a polo shirt. This style wave appeared with suits this season, and has now garnered force in menswear as a low-key hot weather option.
Things to avoid
The short shorts should be kept away for morning runs or Saturday coffee. Also try and steer clear from short-sleeved shirts, they look like you’re trying too hard to do corporate casual. Roll them up instead.